segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2012

Innovation Manager

(borrowed from )

While the recognized need for fresh thinking within companies is nearly universal, managing the process is a whole different ball game – with varying levels of commitment and approaches proving that as a discipline innovation is in many respects still in its infancy.

Because it touches so many areas of an organization, in the past innovation was often “attached” to other functions: R&D, Brand Management, Insights. In recent years, more and more company leaders – recognizing that innovation is inspired by a different mindset and is governed by a different set of rules than the everyday company operations – have sought to handle innovation separately from the base business. Some companies address this need by simply placing a Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) within the c-suite – without a true structure beneath them. In larger, more forward-looking organizations, separate innovation groups have been established. But even in these instances, well-defined roles and responsibilities are still emerging and evolving.

As innovation teams continue to play a more significant role within organizations, one key position we’d love to see develop is the Innovation Manager. Existing in parallel with the clearly established role of the Brand Manager, the Innovation Manager champions innovation, identifies innovation opportunities and translates ideas into actionable and profitable projects.


This is a good and short article about innovation management. Different companies, different approachs. Doesn´t matter what approach the company took, the results are the main goal.

To make it to life, it is necessary to plan andaddapt whenever necessary, and have the buy-in from top management.